The Agent Blog - Goodlord

4 ways letting agents can beat their local competition for landlords

Written by Christa Bicego | 20 February 2018

Competition for landlords is hotter than ever, but agencies with well-positioned brands, who know their customers - and their competitors - well, can pull ahead of their local competition to win more instructions.  

Position your brand

Think of your brand as an extension of you when you’re not there to speak for your agency.  As more and more people turn to the internet to research their options, more so today than ever, most first impressions of your agency will be a result of your website and online marketing materials, so make them count.  Know what your brand stands for, who you sell to and what your customers want to know.

Your website is your online shop window and your greatest digital asset, so do be sure not to fall short in ensuring that it’s easy to use, up-to-date and educational.  Another way to elevate your brand presence is to create content showcasing your industry and local knowledge, not to mention your well thought out opinions on the market. 

Know your customers

The fastest and most efficient way to increase your customer base is to ask your current customers for feedback - both positive and negative - on your services.  What should we never stop doing? What can we do better?  Was there anything additional we could have done to make the process easier?

Once you know exactly who your customer is and what they want, be sure to tailor and improve your services to fit their needs. Additionally, don’t forget to also tailor your marketing materials to support messaging and ultimately you will be on the right road towards bringing in new ideal customers.

Know your competition

Knowing who your competition is and the services that they provide will be your ultimate weapon in becoming your local area’s top high street agency.

How does your agency compare in portfolio size? Fees? Services? Online rating? Measure yourself against your competitors: look at areas you can improve on and use marketing to scream about the areas you are a top player in.

Know what success looks like

If your goal is to be the top local agency this year you should have milestones and targets that prove you’re on a successful path to doing so.  Possibly increasing your Google Reviews score by a star? Growing the number of referrals you receive? More traction on your local property blog? The list is endless but your goals should be predetermined, measurable, and visible to all staff in the office.